Left Coast Crime 2012 in Sacramento Thursday March 29 through Sunday, April 1.
In the Compagno Room, Thursday, March 29, 4:00-4:45:
Jim moderates the Sacramento Authors panel:
Pat Canterbury, Peggy Dulle, Gloria Galloway, Mickey Hoffman, and Nan Mahon.

Left Coast Crime 2012 Thanks to all, especially the organizers, Robin Burcell and Cindy Sample, and the volunteers, ably herded by Pat and Larry Morin, who all worked so hard to make Left Coast Crime 2012 here in Sac-a-tomato the success it was.
I had a great time at the conference and met a bunch of old and new friends. This was my first conference and it was a real kick. I was told that at some previous LCCs they had a massage booth where you could stop in for a few minutes and get those knots rubbed out of your shoulder from carrying all those books. I could have used a massage.
We didn't have a massage booth here, but I really the enjoyed the Noir Action Booth, where you could go to get punched in the face or hit with a lead sap in the back of your head -- your choice. And who could forget the How to Drink Like a PI panel? It's a shame that the Femme-fatale booth was considered too risky. Maybe next time.
Thank you all for coming to Sacramento. Please come back soon!